No, what was before the BCS was awful. The BCS was actually pretty damn good. In fact, I wish they would use the BCS rankings for the playoffs....
It wouldn't be a bad loss per se. Just a heartbreaking loss that I really can't imagine having to endure. I'll have to decompress for a day or...
The sad part is, if we lose this weekend, the committee, the gumps and the oddsmakers will all be justified. God I hope we don't lose. In fact,...
quiter and bitter don't rhyme. In fact quiter isn't even a word.
I'm with @LSUsupaFan here. I'm not sure if I'll vote for Edwards but I know I won't vote for Vitter.
Not only that, but to offset the costs, I can't go get a super high deductible plan. Theyre illegal. ACA is a tax, plain and simple.
I draw an imaginary line perpendicular to the line where I'm trying to hit a ball. If you're in front of that line, you're in the kill zone and I...
I think this is a great summary of Paul Ryan. I really want to like him and I also think he's very smart but he let's his political expediency...
@HalloweenRun is dead on. Co pays shoukd be illegal, everyone should have an HSA. Medicaid patients should pay something, anything to see adoc....
2016 will be the first year that individual plans will not be able to rollover and be exempt from ACA requirements. I have posted in the past to...
You've paid the hell out of some property taxes though.
So basically if we somehow pull two out of Gary, Blacklock, and Davis, we'll lose out on Lawrence?
I don't think we end up with Drake Davis. @bhelmLSU Do you think Manuel is a "silent" commit at this point?
Doesn't bother me at all. This thread is funny.
Tort reform, open insurance market etc. don't add up to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things. They are needed and can help but in the...
These are republican talking points and they mean nothing.
Of course not. And Obamacare was never going to lower costs. It was always going to shift the burden.
I wonder at what point we as a country are going to get serious about healthcare costs. It certainly hasn't happened yet. It's not a...
I think it's a function of Sanders "winning" the debate in that he was engaging, passionate and intelliegent without pandering for the most part....
Has the election in those states ever come down to 1 vote?