I think the point vball is making is that any parent would do this. You catch your kid stealing out of your wallet, you deal with it. You catch...
Investors of corporations, whether they be hedge funds, pension funds, individual investors etc, all have the same motive in that they are trying...
I don't understand your point. My point is that a guy that is the CEO of a company that has 8 billion dollar in profits is worth 100 million if...
I don't think there's any way to stop this. And this phenomenon affects just a few people anyway. People are paid what they're worth and with...
Maybe, I can't read through any of his rambling posts though to get to it. I did like this thread. In fact, I'm gonna go with Stephon Taylor as...
That 's good. Need room for Lawrence and Taylor.
Yeah, so obviously I understand that. I'm not wound up at all. Just thinking out loud about the issue.
Okay, so this obviously is a joke. The joke being, haha, shayne is either gay or transgendered which is funny because he is different and a...
So this is good news. I really want Fulton. It's hard to imagine having the haul we had last year, then getting fulton, mullen, greedy, and smith.
I don't find it that odd. If you accept the commonly held theory that this happens because certain hormone aren't released in utero or are...
No dumbass. Finkel is Einhorn! Einhorn is Finkel! Einhorn's a man!!
Yeah, capital gains for the wealthy in a state such as ours is pretty much 30%. It's not some huge brea 20% + 3.8% medicare surtax + 5% state...
Yeah, capital gains for the wealthy in a state such as ours is pretty much 30%. It's not some huge break.
These are simply not true statements. I agree with the rest of your post that the tax rate is a big reason, but to say you pay more in taxes than...
That is totally crazy and detrimental to mature relationships. Physical intimacy is important in relationships. I understand the "no sex" if...
I used to watch that show to remind myself what can happen if you aren't 100% involved in your kids lives. Not like I would ever not be a good...
The defense was certainly odd. Not sure why he felt the need to do that. Certainly adult sexual offenders are. I'm not sure on kids. Should...
I just love how no one ever points out that his last name literally translates to "the bastard". I mean, how did that happen. Was one of his...
Yes, they were certainly thee with bad intentions. It just seems hard to have a solid case against all 170 over the course of a ten minute brawl....