Thanks Biggles--I posted there earlier, and just tried again.
Does the Hammer of Justice come in a version with the NCAA logo and a spot sort of resembling Big Al on the head?
Where's Tom?
Maximus update: There was an unconfirmed sighting on Redwood Drive in Harvey last night. We went out there to check it out, but we didn't see...
Just re-posting once in case anyone sees him. I'm worried sick about him, and it's frustrating not being able to do anything right now and not...
Just making a post to move this back to the top... If you see him AND somehow manage to catch him, you could either take him to his vet...
I knew the Frogs were supplying the Iraqi military!
Simple...unless Ole Miss has 9 games before the end of October and 3 games in November, there's no way they go 9-3.
Posted this on FSA and got special permission to post here too: Maximus is a knee-high, 33 pound, 18 month old neutered beagle mix. He kind of...
Thanks!! Will do!
Maximus is a knee-high, 33 pound, 18 month old neutered beagle mix. He kind of looks like a fawn. Note the tail marking on the top edge of the...
A response to the partisan hack job. (I don't agree with everything in this, BTW): I am not manipulated. There are media sources around the...
"Fair and balanced" just means whatever you want to hear. Fox does not, by any stretch of the imagination, report all of the news without comment....
If a Harvard degree is so impressive, then you elephant men have to admit that Gore isn't stupid either. As far as being better informed, the...
OK, let me get this straight (BTW, I'll preface by saying I support the war)--whether or not we should put a boot up Saddam's ass depends not on...
Hmmmm...Cheney sure managed to stay in academia at a convenient time. But I do respect Powell and Rice.
I dunno...if I were an Iraqi I'd be reluctant to jump to the allied side. Remember what happened 12 years ago--the Allies didn't finish the job,...
Ooh! Ooh! I'll play! GTHOM
They should sell the inflatable sheep at novelty stores, next to whoopee cushions, etc. given that most of the people buying those would be...
Ya know ashgeaux, I have more respect for the Chicks than I do for Hollywood liberals. Taking a position that's unpopular with your fan base...