Destiny's ears???
D'oh! That works too, but not the way I wanted. Remember the anti-littering commercial with the crying Indian? I was trying to do that but I...
I ain't that unfair to have Vandy in the East After all, the West has the Rainbow Rebs and Jackie the Clown!! To make the...
My first thought when I saw those was "WHOA! When did Gerry Dinardo move out West?!!!"
They had pictures along the bottom. Dubya's a 25, Bill Clinton was a 15, Hillary's a 10, Jesse Jackson's a 0, the Gipper's a 40.
It doesn't always load, so you might have to refresh or try back later. I scored 24 on a scale...
This sounds AWESOME: The stadium comes alive! - Major stadium upgrades include dynamic home/away attendance, crowds on the hill, and over 300...
They can't be serious about Eli! He might impress at the combine, but he has no chance of impressing on the field. He fattens up on joke OOC teams...
You lucky SOB! How do you get a job like that?
Ya know Tampa, that's not such a bad idea--if you're in Franchise mode or whatever they call it. You have the option of cheating at recruiting,...
Me too. I always post that in jest when something bad happens.
This just proves the saying... CHEATERS DON'T WIN!
Question about new feature #1: Is there one where the fans storm the field and tear down goalposts while the Hail Mary is still in the air?
THE SKY IS FALLING!!! FIRE SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What about Damien "Baby Daddy" James?
Voinovich is from Ohio, actually. In any case, there's a lot of speculation about various moderate Republicans who might switch over a...
About your first sentence... Did Santorum really think Ole Miss fans would take kindly to being lumped in with Mississippi State Fans?
Don't even have to do that... Just cut a Coke can in half, poke holes in the bottom, stuff a sheet of fabric softener into it, and exhale...