Are you flaming the Frogs again? Good work!!!
Actually, on another board we think it was either LC or Patten Brown. If you don't know who they are, consider yourself blessed.
That's AWESOME, Rex. I must disagree that you have too much time on your hands.
I heard a rumor he's posting on the Microphallus Support Forum. But I don't want to verify it because who wants to be seen reading that??!
There are a couple things I'd like to do if I get the game. Can I realign the conferences (ie put Ole Priss in the Sun Belt)? And can I make their...
Wow--that is a lot of work. I thought you drew them. I don't have any mpegs :(
Rex, your cartoons are AWESOME. How do you draw those? Is there a special animation program? I'd like to see one of Chad Lavalais and Marcus...
Hmmm...what do they have that they didn't have before? There's no body, and if the killer's DNA was at the scene they would have known it all along.
I don't think he's the one who got Fowler. She fought so hard her acrylic nails came off--you'd think her attacker's skin would have been under...
But there's a good reason for it. Every time the Tigers won the CWS it was with a different jersey. But we win so much that we keep having to...
I think they checked him because he was a known perp--he had a history of violence against women and being a sexual predator.
Excellent point Rex!!! And Tuberville is EVIL.
Just looked at that picture--that looks more like Destiny than a Tulane girl.
There's one other thing I just realized is great about this. I was out of town for the weekend and it's easy to catch up on FSA--the best threads...
The best starting point is the two greatest commandments: You shall love the Lord with all your they neighbor as thyself. As...
That's why there are so many different taxes--you spread them out enough and people don't realize the true tax rate. You left out the worst of...
The airlines are in trouble because of gross mismanagement. The subsidies to American were simply a transfer of wealth from working people to Don...
Who cares what Lynne Cheney has to say? Nobody voted for her!!! She should be seen and not heard!!! :)
He might be hard to catch. He looks too nondescript.
There's an edit button at the lower right of each post. Make sure you're logged in--you should be able to edit it. If not, I'm sure an admin...