This is an idiotic question that doesn't even deserve a response.
Doht lmao well that would explain a lot.
Anyone else notice that they have SEVEN SEC teams in the Top 25. While they all probably are among the top 25 teams in the country, there is no...
My picks are: Clemson, GT, CSF, Bama, Rice, Ole Miss, UGA, and Oregon State
What I heard from the A.D. at O.M. was Bianco was in the top 4 in salery and he wouldn't get in a bidding war with LSU. He would make a...
Better to sacrifice a year's recruiting class and to hire the best person for the job instead of promoting from within a member of this losing...
the challenge is now up at
Good player, but I discard runningbacks being able to soley carry a team to a win. We saw what happened with Adrian Peterson last year at OU when...
He's also not an ******* like Smoke either. Plus I think he may be able to better communicate to his players and coaches what needs to be done...
As of 5:30 PM the results are Do you think LSU head baseball coach Smoke Laval should be replaced? [IMG]Yes [IMG][IMG][IMG] 90% 5,399 [IMG]No...
Does anybody know Smoke's record at ULM in games not started by Ben Sheets as that would definitely make him appear to be a better coach than he...
Yea I would agree that they "hit a deep fly going, going, going gone.
Anybody place a For Sale sign yet in Smoke's yard? Reality that is pretty classless to do, but it wouldn't surprise me if someone did that within...
I can't say I'm surprised. It probably came down to us and Miss State and State did beat us this year 2 out of 3. Plus isn't this Polk's...
I'll give Smoke a break when I get a refund for the trash that was LSU baseball this year. Otherwise, I'm not satisfied with the product that is...
Boydsworld has moved up to #37 in rpi following the conference tournaments. 38<64 however, it isn't always the "best 64" that get in as some...
He defniitely wouldn't be my first choice, but I also believe he would be an upgrade to Smoke.
from Boyd's World updated about 830am on Sunday morning 38 0.571 35 24 35 24 Louisiana State Our RPI is closer to 40 than to 30. I...
an older article by Carl DuBois prior to the Vanderbilt series concerning fannies in the seat....
Ben Rothesbirger or however you spell his name left after his junior year at Miami Ohio and is the starter of the Super Bowl Champion Pittsburg...