I heard b/c of housing issues?
boy o boy the mills are a churning
Fisher's goal is money.
Yep he said that. And something about the other guy's hand. I got a few pics via Txt message earlier of the marine guy all beat up and in the...
They are saying that "someone" will be charged eventually.
Blah nothing good.
I can't find any feed.. Wait Wait here it comes..
I've been getting bombarded with txt messages the last 5 min on this.
Nah I'll stick with my principles.
So a limited government candidate wants to use her power in the government to make gasoline cheaper. Like most other conservatives. She is a fake.
When you have an extra dollar or 2 in your pocket you give it to someone in need. When you DON'T HAVE an extra dollar you say God Bless You and...
Perry is about as much a conservative as SF: Ten things about Rick Perry that may worry some conservatives | Texas on the Potomac | a Chron.com blog
This is exactly the type of moronic logic that got us into this mess. Grow up.
I would agree to this mostly as a transition to much lower rates.
Taking money from the rich and giving it to the Govt. doesn't help the poor.
NJ: Perry's vulnerabilities with the right - politics - Decision 2012 - msnbc.com
We should probably just go ahead and invade their country and start a war.
Once those "good" Christians find out he is a big govt. Democrat they will move on.
Perry is a flash-in-the-pan. Move on.
How about we just make the tax code simple. Flat 25% and make the bums that use services and don't pay squat pay up.