Yes, it is. It would be easier to take if they would break it up into manageable segments. For example: Days left 'til Spring practice...
Only that he has been an assistant in the nfl and spent some time at bama Croom Bio
If UM doesn't look at criminal records during their 'extensive background checks', what do they look for?
I know, its just a Lair crack. Got a bit tired of skipping every other post about how great it is on the members only board. Back on topic, if...
That was fast, and it didn't cost me $32 to find out ;)
Matt is Leaving. Sorry to see him go. Best of luck in the NFL! Thanks for what you've given all of us. Geaux Tigers!
I love Carroll Pete's statement: "There needs to be tweeking, It didn't come out right, It didn't work". You know, now that he mentioned it...
Holtz probably thought that he was voting for South Carolina and not Southern Cal. Considering that he is about 1000 years old, it is somewhat...
Kind of suprised me that Nutt didn't take the job. With the police blotter his team ran up this season in Little Rock it seemed like he would be...
Why is it that OU always brings up the fact that they've won 7 titles? Thats great and everything, but how will it help them win this year? How...