55 is plenty. Don't need more than that. Only the last Arkansas TD that disappointed me. No one is ever criticized for playing aggressive DEFENSE...
I know I will be corrected for this but that last touchdown scored by Arkasas bothers me. I wanted a whole regular season without a team scoreing...
Saban needs to understand that there will be voters in the human polls who WILL NOT put these late game yards and points into perspective. Sorry...
I know it goes against Saban's nature but it's time to end once and for all the horseshit argument that only USC has an explosive enough offense...
This can't be true because I have it on good authority that Saban will be leaving LSU to coach John Curtis.
Funny I've never heard anyone ever say "man I'm up for a party. Let's head to Oxford!" Least LA has New Orleans.
LSU 124 Pigs 0 The game will be stopped in the 3rd quarter when a little known mercy rule is invoked by Nutt.
Exactly. The only people who need to focus are the players and coaches. Let's not take things so seriously that we believe what we say here has...
This is the absolute dumbest post I've seen in my time here. Clearly you are someone who is just BEGGING for an argument with Ramah and don't need...
At least two big plays for Ole Miss were the result of an LSU CB slipping. They had great coverage but just slipped.
Pretty sure LSU has never played in the Rose. Wouldn't be too bad. Good matchup.
Anyone have a link to the NYT current poll or any other current polls?
Is ESPN hiring? As it's rather obvious that you need neither any knowledge of footbal or and IQ above 80, I'll bet I could land a job as a...
The only significant change the BCS brought was to end relationships between Conferences and Bowls. The Sugar was once the SEC game. Rose Bowl Pac...
How does any playoff work my friend? How unfair is it that an NFL division winner with 12 or 13 wins is put into the same playoff as a wild card...
I don't want BCS considering anything but it's own mortality at this point.
The whole thing is a mess. The BCS must die. Deciding who goes to a champsionship game in this way is just horrible. An 8 team playoff please....
I always love it when fans lecture to other fans about how they ought to evaluate their team as a test of true loyalty. : )
I think there was some luck to go around. Ole Miss got the penatly breaks. Does anyone think that lateral was really a foward pass??