Incredible physical specimen. Thanks for reminding me. I am talking about Andolsek not Jimmie Taylor (although he looks great for his age and...
From what I have heard it is going to be hard to keep Miller off the field next year. I am hearing he is cut from the same cloth as Ben...
No Problem.
Tigers at the PMAC is not bad (for that matter the college game is not that miserable sense they actually run an offense and all 5 players...
Red55 WBRZ reporting tonight (6pm) Moffitt is staying. Showed video of him during a previous practice and talked about his accomplishments. I...
Little Bad news followed by some good news. I hate basketball, can't wait for Baseball. 2005 Baseball America Preseason Poll (Team, 2004...
Good Point
Nice Post HUGE
Yes they are re-doing the whole playing surface.
I just got goose bumps. Hell of a job soliders. :usaflagwa :laflagwav :lsug:
Dauterive is not an LSU guy.
I agree; Emerett leaving bad. Disagree; Bertman is a good evaluator of talent I agree Brady is a drunk, horney **** and we will be replacing him...
Thanks for coming to eat Crow.
I am now a Miles supporter. Not crazy about the guy but then again i do not believe in love at first sight. SKB
9 Wins maybe 10 09/03/05 North Texas Baton Rouge, La. WIN 09/10/05 Arizona State Baton Rouge, La. WIN 09/24/05 Tennessee Baton Rouge, La. At...
It was not so much to "help" Brett as to it was for us to share in the maintenance expense of this online community we utilize. Over the years...
This messes with Saban's comments about "if the political environment at this institution plays a roll in the selection process it will be...
It appeared the players on the field had lots of respect for one another as well. I saw a hard hitting game between the whistles but after it...