In Prairieville hoping to keep power. Actually, hoping Lake Ponchetrain does not end up in NOLA. Should be an interesting 48 hours. Take Care All.
Confidence has never been JR's problem. Knowing the offense, not trying to do too do it all on his own and relaxing has been his problem....
I'm In. Scott you ever figure out who was helping you compute numbers this season?
I heard Jamie just sold the MRI business for a boat load of money. $135,000 is a drop in the bucket today. But there was a time when Jamie...
Damm I thought with your columns off... I was off the hook as the dumb ass that voted twice for Cal... Guess I was wrong. Not sure what my...
I just want a QB that does not try and take this whole team on his shoulders and win. This team is talented enough to just need a field general...
Not much else. THinks SEC is as competative as any confrence in the US and has more parity. Glad to be able to compete at this level. CLearly...
RP will get reps but it is JR and MF's job to battle during 2 a days. We want a 1 qb system this year
3 spots that need to improve Offense Defense Special teams every coach sees weakness in his teams. The weakness will not be in talent
summer went well, teams in great shape, look forward to reporting Aug 6th, honored to coach at this universtiy.
Miles coming up next. They just showed him on the sidelines of OSU and he sure did look like he was having fun coaching. Can't wait to see him...
Gbadyu was quoted on Rivals as saying that Miles was fired up about his commitment to the Tigers today and said that no matter what happens from...
The problem I have with JR's weight is it appears to mimic his dedication to the team last year. In two years on the team he failed to study the...
My first game was 1975 (7 years old). My mom and dad took me. All I remember was sitting in the upper section. The guy above us got into a...
Jamarcus Russell is easily the most overrated (half of you think he is going pro next year). Not sure about underrated, but I think Mario...
Bertman brought in David H???? (Sherry Wharton's husband) to oversee the new fields (he was the green superintendent at Briarwood for 15 years)....
Top 40 sent (I think it was 40). Boy it was tough to figure out 26-40
We built in Manchac Place off Bluff Road. Kind of down and around the corner from you. We should go get a beer one afternoon. Catha told me...
Gumbeaux... you move back to BR or just visiting?