He was quoting Billy Madison. So what if Laron can play in the NFL? One or two or even three guys may be able to. Hell, I'll grant you 6 guys....
App State and Michigan both have amateur athletes in their late teens and early twenties. The absolute best of the best get drafted (after at...
of course not
I like his suggestion that Harvin play some CB, and Idiot Juice can line up at DE.
Perhaps they should suspend the band for a game or two and let a DJ control the songs. Nah...scratch that. I'm guessing the students would...
Re: Is "Punt Ugly" Ugly Again? And wazzup with the kickoffs? Yea, they don't like it now, but will be BIG fans of 'em when RP is in the running...
Cincinnati Sorry...couldn't resist. :hihi:
Well, if the experts are right in proclaiming his greatness, he should go for at least 200 yards per game. Of course, in order to do that, he'll...
I guess the bright side is that by week 3, Reggie finally had more TDs than Mario Williams. Wonder what Culpepper is up to these days? Oh, that's...
Sounds like you would have been killing the wrong person.
Just like the superstar that he thinks he is, ole Radio didn't bother to get properly hydrated. Nice job, VY.
Simmer down PG. If you can't see that these uniforms are horrible, I don't know what to tell you. So what if it's for a good cause? Does that...
No, they really did do all of that! They just showed the funeral ceremony. I wonder if they'll record them exhuming the casket. :hihi:
I think the Saints somehow signed the Texans '04 offensive line and put Saints gear on them.
2 poached eggs and plain toast Had poached eggs for the first time yesterday, and think I like 'em a lot.
Fourth and 1. Throw deep? In a 3-0 game? With God's gift to humans in the backfield? DAMNIT COME ON SAINTS. Is it too much to ask to beat...
Tell Red that! :hihi: Interestingly enough, the strike started right after I arrived in Detroit, and ended right before I left. I've tried not...
Am I missing something? How was this a negative article?
Absolutely horrible. There's nothing good about those uniforms. And the EYE OF THE TIGER PATCH???? Holy hell, it's the return of the angry...
I'm guessing Pelini will have something a bit more sophisticated than one guy watching Tebow. Myers & Co. are no dummies and would probably...