He finds it "fun" to be racist and yet you say he isn't a racist? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I think hating on our college...
Re: Ryan Perrilloux back on team per Buddy Songy Considering it seems a majority of the team was hoping he came back (judging by what I've...
Hmm. That would be interesting and would put them in a bit of a pickle. Because in their minds, God hates fags and fag-enablers. Well, their...
My parents saw the writing on the wall some time ago, when I was a child. I got in a lot of trouble that day... :hihi:
Any news on Paul's and West's injuries? Heard Paul finished, but West went out. I hope this doesn't affect us to much. Got two huge games...
Sorry, just feeling a little cynical this evening. I promise I'll take care of that ASAP. :thumb:
I like your optimism, but I don't think the game is over yet.
No way. The Sonics will go there before the Hornets do. That and the state will get a new deal done with the team.
Yeah but Offensive Linemen tend to last a long time, interestingly enough.
You said: So yes, he obviously knows more than you about what happened.
Attention whores. They are so irrelevant its not funny. It's a church whose members are part of Phelps' family. If you've seen any of they're...
Shinn wants to negotiate a new long-term deal that will guarantee the team stays for 10 years, with no attendance requirement or opt-out clause:...
He knows more of what's going on then you do...
Considering I asked the last Fast Times question, I suppose I'll have to answer. It's Eric Stoltz. Since we're on the subject of 80's movies,...
Since the last poster broke the rules and didn't ask a question, I'll go for it. An easy one to get things back on track: Where was Mork from?
Nick Bradshaw Who ordered the Code Red in A Few Good Men? And I want name and rank.
Crip, get back in here and fix your thread!!!
Ski School. Dean Cameron was the king of B/C movies for a time.
It's about time.
7 What is "Crocodile" Dundee's full name?