Kragthorpe would be a weird hire and bad fit IMHO. They guys offense is not like Crowton's but close to it. One back set mostly and it was a...
I've been traveling and/or out of the country for the last few weeks so I havent been able to see much of the forum. I barely got to watch the...
Ding...Ding. We have a winner. I have thought this odd from the minute I first heard he was stepping down. There is MUCH more to this saga. We can...
ewwwww....dude looks like he had a big ole greazy meatball sandwich, lima beans and a case of PBR's before he got his layla love. Bet it would gag...
You're not taking my avatar on the way out are ya?
I dont see the NCAA granting waivers for the 9 coach rule. I think we need to cut ties with Porter so the new coaches are available now. if there...
The Heisman award is one of the most prestigious awards in all of sports. It may seem like a joke but the guy who has one of these parked in his...
Have no idea. My uncle-in-law is in the AD office and he doesnt have much interaction with educational faculty. Thats not his role. The...
Wow, talk about a major hint. Looks like you missed out on a good night!
Why did some chick with her breasts hanging out come up and talk to you? "bet you f*cked her too, didn't you." :hihi:
75% of the fan base is following Kiffin like the pied piper. They actually believe the drivel Kiffin is pushing about all this publicity being...
Olbermann is a piece of $hit and has no credibility but what does that make his viewers? He has surprisingly good ratings actually and is...
This is very strange. I guess the wife angle may play some part but Kansas is not an upgrade to Stanford. The money sure looks like it and...
Its all relative with Tiger. He will lose endorsements and he will not get some new endorsements but even if a guy like him loses 50% he is still...
BWAHAHAHA....everyone needs to read this. Nice post Deceks7! :thumb:
I wish I could get some info on this. Unfortunately the Uncle-in-law is on a month vacation in Europe.
I'm thinking he wont play. I am also wondering if Jacks record just got a little more difficult for Tiger. His mindset may not be the same when he...
Tiger will no longer have that luxury afforded to him. He has black balled a few reporters and commentators over the years. No more.
Man...I love Tiger Woods but in 2 weeks his reputation has become stained forever. He will never have the endorsement clout he had. Sure he will...
Cant be? Gran has never coached defense in his life. I think he is going at RB coach and/or special teams.