He didnt mention that Ogre was or wasnt in Knoxville. Just that those leaving where leaving with their families ASAP. I hope the frat guys get...
Another quick call from uncle in law. Few points in no particular order. - AD is out of town and been out of town for a while. All this went...
Meyer seen texting and laughing his ass off at OK-FLA basketball game. :lol:
Attendance falling like a rock, they had no choice on Fulmer.
Just talked to Uncle in Law and he said the vol nation is in nuclear meltdown mode. This was totally unexpected. Supposedly some kind of press...
LOL...this is what happens when idiots sell their sole to the devil by hiring the likes of a Kiffin. I believe you will find a quote from me...
I bet this is fabricated but I hope its real. It would be funny as hell to think a bunch of tree hugging retards tried to shame the hells angels...
Of course you dont but you should have at least coached them at some point in your career even at a lower level. Gonzales has done neither and...
Good question but its not going to be Billy Gonzales. How can he be responsible for developing QB's when he's never played or coached the position...
Thanks for figuring that out. I had the same problem. :thumb:
We dont have any choice but to go with the flow but all these quotes and stories sound like a dysfunctional situation in the making.
Classic! :lol:
I've never used Apple's codec but if its lossless you should be good to go. The key to ripping vinyl is using a lossless codec. All the vinyl I've...
If you are going to rip vinyl dont use MP3. Use a lossless codec like FLAC. That will reproduce the sound you are looking for from digitized vinyl.
Re: Crowton to Bears? Rumor crushed - ^(*(*% Its a tough situation. On the one hand, Les has generally done a pretty good job and kept...
Re: Crowton to Bears? Rumor crushed - ^(*(*% I doubt something was made up but its very possible someone with a little power tried...
Re: Crowton to Bears? Rumor crushed - ^(*(*% If buying out Crowton is a financial problem we are in pitiful shape. Cant imagine his buyout...
Re: Crowton to Bears? *rumor* He was demoted mid season during his second year and left for BYU before the season was over. That quote is from...
Agreed. No asterisk. Its wishful thinking on our part and something I can use with my gump co-workers but they will just throw out the 03 USC...
Re: Crowton to Bears? *rumor* Are you kidding? Crowton was a disaster in Chicago. I think he was replaced mid-season as OC after just 1 and a...