Muschamp is not completely dead but on life support. Tennessee is hearing a lot of "no thanks". Hamilton was in Dallas yesterday and only...
Les needs to send Kiffin a thank you note. :hihi:
I doubt he has accepted but I dont doubt he has been offered that kind of money based on my last phone call. That is serious cash to turn down and...
Chuckie...only one I can think of.
Just got off the phone with Uncle. The trustee's and boosters are taking a big role in this search. They are going to make Muschamp turn down...
Yes and Yes. :wink:
This is a BIG, BIG issue with the boosters and trustee's right now. Kiffin's buyout was 800K if he left but 7 Mil if he was fired. Monte and O was...
Again, the dynamics at Tennessee when Kiffin was hired were very weird. Haslem was retiring from the Athletic board, Peterson (Prez) was on his...
First off, I have only talked to uncle for a short period of time today. You can imagine how bizarre things are around their office. No new info...
Seeing what Tennessee is going through makes me appreciate Miles that much more. He may have his shortcomings and come off like a doofus but Miles...
Want to hear something really funny? Sexton is also the Tenn AD's agent. :hihi:
He is getting these jobs because of 2 people. Mainly Monte Kiffin and secondarily, Jimmy Sexton. Simple as that. On his own Kiffin would not have...
I heard both but more Kiffin. Kiffin and Ogre's tactics are also why Eddie Gran left.
He is but my gump contacts tell me he was miserable there and wanting out ASAP. Not sure if he fits into Kiffin's USC plan but we'll see.
I dont see Muschamp going to Tennessee. Contrary to what the Vols think (they believe their job is top 5 in the country) that is a very, very...
I dont. Tennessee has 2 choices here. Go out and try to make the biggest splash hire they can (lots of money, high profile coach) or go out...
They did.
Just got this in an email [media]
I tried to call my uncle back but he didnt answer his cell. I could tell by the tone in his voice that students where about to get VERY ugly but...
Ya, I bet the ogre rumors last week were part of the process. I should find out more tomorrow.