Junie B. Jones
Hugh E. Rection
Howard Hughes
Charles Grodin
maureen mccormick
Dale Carnegie
Ted Bundy (the next one is blatantly obvious)
I don't know how I forgot the functional drunk Dave Atell
Andrew Dice Clay
um, who are they. they being the beauties in your avatar
Now Eric Crouch can be overrated in another league:lol:
For the Sirius Raw Dog fans - KILL OSCAR THE CAT! Although I think its funny that they run it just to piss everyone off.
Brian Regan is completely clean but funny as hell. His delivery is the key
Francis from Stripes
they'll probably let him design next years unis
Daniel Tosh Kind of a new guy. Friggin hilarious BTW - Dane Cook sucks
Charles Manson
Tom Chambers
Hank Erferahunkercheese