I'll be wearing the game shirt that I just bought today, which is white. I usually wear my gold Auburn 2001 shirt, but I couldn't resist the hot...
At least they got a chance to vote before thier mascot was ruined.
You could just enroll at LSU and you get a FREE lsu.edu email acount (just a tuition payment of about $1500)
He was a blind black guy back in the 50's (I think) that used to sell candy to the students on campus during the week and would dress up as the...
What a BS call to end it! Exactly why the NFL blows
They looked hot pink on my crappy little 17" TV I have by my computer. They are near as bad as the "Cheeto" we wore a couple times on my team in...
Addai- 56 Clayton- 62 Carey- 296 -------------- 414
I heard that Hunt had a hyperextended knee.
Yeah I actually can see some poeple I know in it.
I just got it yesterday and, although the Oregon Ugly Ducklings are on the cover, towards the back in the "Inside College Football" section they...
I'm thinkin the Hogs are gonna win this one.
It got thrown out of the stadium.
http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/columns/story?columnist=feldman_bruce&id=1622689 "Next summer if you're trying to figure whether your school has...
Baton Rouge, right off S. Harrels Ferry Rd.
LSU UF Ark UT Ole Miss
I have a friend that goes to State that says it is indeed the worst place ever. Absolutely nothing to do but ride around in the back of pickup trucks.
You stay up 37 hours before/during/after the game even though you have work until 11 after the game ends.
I think the crowd probably got to Bennett some. I know I've never heard a crowd that loud for a field goal or 3.
We aren't required to stand the whole game per say, but any student with any self respect stands the whole time. I totaled about 7 hours straight...
I just got back from campus (got off of work) and I did notice an unsual amount of people there for that time. I didn't go by the stadium though...