Took me about 2 minutes to find em :D
I do every week. For the past 2 home games, I had to work afterwards and I must tell you it is very difficult talking to customers when you have...
Macuk didn't have to win his spot back. Marcus Randall isn't a very mentally sound QB (intellegence, focus etc.). Macuk kept his job despite the...
I'll check there, thanks.
As of right now 1.Auburn 2.Bama 3.Arkansas The Tulane and Ole Miss rivalries have lost thier strenght as of late. I can tell you for sure...
Does anyone have any idea where I can pick some PLAIN LSU gold colored shirts here in BR? I've looked at Wal-Mart and a Dollar General, but no...
All I see is a typical Auburn mascot holding up his latino "mastubation aid".
I find it kinda odd how Auburn fans somehow think that last year's score has ANYTHING to do with the game this weekend...
Or not. Seems someone lit a tiger tail on fire. But of course everyone can see how it is reasonable for it to be considered the WHOLE van being...
I think that Carey and Brousard schould share the RB duties, much like Toefield and Davis used to. Addai will probably still be out, but even if...
Mauck- 379 Vincent- 400 Brousard- 230 1009
beat me to it.
Mauck- 181 points Henderson- 168 points 349
I usually get chills during pregame, but yesterday was not so. I could bearly hear the bass drums on thier way out. But I fear not because I KNOW...
I think LSU has a point where if your ACT score is high enough your GPA doesn't matter or if your GP Ais high enough your ACT doesn't matter. I...
Sovietgator, I don't think the fans were scared of an upset, but it was definatly the sterotypical "why we hate day games in Death Valley" kinda...
I know they stopped playing it after TDs because of one game a long while ago, they played it and the crowd was so excited the "ASSHOLE! ASSHOLE!"...
I got mine out in front of CEBA. They were selling them in free speech alley yesterday, but they weren't there today, so I went to CEBA to get it.