Their offices are in the Football Ops facility.
1. Tear down the dorms under the stadiums. Replace with a shrine to LSU football. (Hall of Fame, Museum, etc.) 2. Keep Old Alex Box and donate...
we aren't hitting in omaha, guess i should have worded it that way but we've had solid pitching the whole tourny and I stand by that everyone of...
espn360 has a 3 minute lag
we gave up 15 singles to UNC, 17 hit total and they only got 8 runs. irvine did the same thing. our pitchers are pitching good but giving up the...
i think our pitching has done really well the whole tourny but we aren't hitting...bradford has 10 K's
only 58 too. pretty shocking stuff
“If any man says he hates war more than I do, he better have a knife, that's all I have to say”
it goes to show its not just the great players on the team, it's about the players on the great team
I wouldn't be surprised if Coleman comes back. the Nationals drafted 7 pitchers before him and have a low payroll and a pretty weak fan base.
it wasn't the coon's corner guys, it was the frat boys in the right section of R5. anyway, me and my buddy will be standing in left for today's game
i had to sit in R5 today for the first time this year. the most unintelligent, rude, obnoxious, and plain annoying fans in the world. terrible....
After having to sit in right field for the first time this year, (sat in left the whole year) he's right about those comments. those frat boys...
Br traffic was a bitch before the storm and it just got worse. If you know where to go to get out of the traffic, its not bad. But, BR is...
that would have sealed the deal there. can you imagine catching the drinks and offering up the drink to the girl..."you were thirsty?"
Mine would be Verdugo, Bradford (If he's not used), and Martin. Coleman can come out of the bullpen and shut 'em down.
the civil war is over? guess i can put my muskets away.
i go to most of the baseball games and usually sit by the same people the whole season. so for me, i go for the baseball first, but when things...