i know there are many chad jones fans out there and i was rooting for the kid because his highlight reel many times made up for what i bolded...
first off, i want to use tirk's avatar as a flotation device. secondly, i figured the saints wouldn't let bush go and his agent probably knows...
sorry i was doing the whole "espn hates lsu" bit.
peter king hates the saints.
"You've gone too far this time..." "But Im dancing on the valentine I tell you somebodys fooling around - With my chances on the...
totally agree. if the tigers want to compete for championships again it starts with the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball, both...
i'll be at the basketball game tonight, hopefully bringing some luck.
you're pi$$ing all over my childhood. if you call out karate kid or goonies or back to the future or rocky IV as a bad movie then i may start to...
yeah it was. "now gather round, i'm the new fool in town and my sound's laid down by the underground..." du hast. yes, that sucks. big time. but...
i've never had that one. now i gotta try it.
i loved the south park episode with the biggest poo. that was funny stuff. zombie- the cranberries---(but i change the words around to deal...
well it's just that the only really album of theirs i really like is joshua tree. that's like saying i hate the beatles but really hated sgt...
i love crazy game of poker, there, i said it.
well i'm not sure that we'll get as high as a 1 and 3 for brown but my take is very similar to yours. bushrod is serviceable but struggled...
Re: Darren Sharper is a free agent--Will NOT Get Franchise Tag the franchise tag is made for guys in sharper's situation. it benefits him and...
my wife hates hates hates that chumbawumba song. it doesn't really bother me. you're dead on with barbie girl though, that's #3 for me. ding...
i'm italian, love me some maters.