The odd thing in all this is Vandy keeps inching ever so closer to winning multiple big games, and holding their own in the ones they don't...not...
The coach that can not adapt to the current model of SEC football is the coach in trouble....the coach that can not keep his kids out of trouble...
Is Myer really a better coach?? I'm really just asking b/c it seems to me Zook did just as well and he didn't have Teebow...and while I by no...
I think we all know Les has a set that Saban only wishes he had.....Saban would have had an MI on the field going for it once on 4th down...much...
Guess coaching at your alma mater doesn't always end up like one would hope (hint hint to any coach who may want to do so one day)...I don't...
You are AWESOME...Great work, we're lucky to have you!!!:thumb:
Yes you are correct, and WHILE jumping through ALL these hoops,to be sure the nation understands he REALLY is going to be the coach at LSU and...
I've Had more Buckeyes stop me down here and ask me how far Baton Rouge is from New Orleans...they want to make a road trip to check out the...
I love it!!
OUCH...I was complaining about our 10-11 hr 700 mile drive...I'll be quiet now
I love all 3, each are different and unique in their own rights...both on and off the field...Congrats to them all....they have been awful fun to...
OK, Well, I am one of those "I told you so" posters and IF you go back and look at when it was posted and what was said you'll see "I told you...
Down here we have a TON of migratory snow birds that all seem to be from Ohio and fly their car-flags all winter long....its so disgusting...not...
We always pull for the SEC.... The South WILL rise again...:grin:
Unfortunatly with the present system all we do is beat up on each other week end and week out and eliminate one another from the big prize...thats...
I hate to say I told you so, but if the shoe fits.......And MAN, I sooo do love shoes!!!:grin:
Did the same "source" leak this??? Maybe Carr is the mole...It appears someone really has it in for Miles and his PR people...or someone simply...
with all the cash she spent on the "twins" she and her other half could have shared some suite seats with you boys at the game!:lol: Those pups...