Ahhh, it was only a matter of time...as frightening as PooPoo was....this scares me worse!! :rolleye33:
As long as he doesn't feel the need to give LSU the "locker room pep talk" prior to the game!!! :cry:
Great Gift...your son will be thrilled, I know I would be! I'm a little jealous!:grin:
Too funny...I know what you mean...I was there in elementary/Jr. High and 1 yr of High School ...went to Judice Middle School then they did some...
Well, I CAN NOT believe I am saying this...But here goes....we paid a hell of a lot of money for tickets so I am HOPING for a good, close game,...
What about Jeff Bower??? Got the shaft from USM...good Defensive mind...hmm.....thinkin' about this last night:huh:
We're doing the same...only from the other side of the state...see ya on I-10 Definitely need a place to meet...maybe an out of the way bar,...
Its a great place...where loggin in is like a doorbell ringing and you can't wait to see who is there and what they have to say...it makes being...
Re: Update on Jay-B Nicely done....Ya'll did a wonderful thing, laughter is the best medicine:thumb:
hmm, sounds like a similar conversation held at our home last night....and we too, plan to do our part,:thumb: for the cities economy over our...
I'm glad Ohio State is excited about going to a different venue...New Orleans is quite the city...Hope Tressel makes frequent room...
Hey there now... I laughed...I just had not had the privledge of seeing his fine work, my husband has since pulled up his PooPoo folder and...
Well, I guess we'll all see in a few weeks...but w/ these reports coming out, my guess is if he does start they'll go after him, and they'll go to...
Well, it makes me so proud and restores a lot of faith in mankind when I read and see stories like this and similiar ones about other players like...
Re: 2 Ohio State Cornerbacks Suspended Ahh, careful now....seems a few of our boys like to break rules now and then also...I seem to recall...
There is a certain pride that is beyond anything I've been around...I've lived amongst the Buckeyes, Gators, Hurricanes, Seminoles and Longhorns...
I read this yesterday and still am not sure what to think....just glad its not our problem!
Eeekkk, my 10 yr old will be soo jealous...yesterday I got the "but I want to go, and why can't I go, its soo not fair..." Yup...lifes soooo not...
This is one of those things we will debate until 1/07/08...and possibly even after b/c I'll STLL believe LSU is the better team even if they don't...