PU-lease...he needs to go back and learn how to CORRECTLY place the sequence of events prior to writing about them...these bozos enjoy hurling...
Jezzus....what a bizarre statement...why even issue one?:dis:
How cool:thumb:He was a good tiger!!
Re: Update on Jay-B Glad to hear things are going your way, excellent news:thumb:....we'll add you to our prayer chain down here to help keep...
Hey now...I heard that...and I thought we were friends....I see how it is:rofl:
Cold and rainy I heard....A White Russian Mardi Gras, yum...I almost remember a few of those!!
You are the WO-MAN!!!! We could put together a little swaree so you could meet all the tiger fans here in our neck of the wetlands:thumb:
Man, wouldn't you just love to be able to scream "heyyyyy throw me something, mista'?" to that group? We spent our cash for the game...maybe next...
Re: Update on Jay-B Not a whole lot better today...he had to be put on dialysis b/c of the fluid retention...scarey stuff...keep prayin'
Dudes a stud...I'm really gonna miss him:bncry:
Once 1 person starts talking and getting on TV, then everyone who has been screwed by CUM will start speaking to the media to get their 2 minutes...
I swear, just when I don't think I could love that man anymore...he goes and does something like this!!!:milesmic:
and maybe a few more 2 loss national champions b/c of it
Yeah, gives you that real uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach and your REAL glad its them and not you...dudes a tool, he'll get caught only...
OK, I feel REALLLY OLD now.... A few of those brain cells remain to recall many memories of Murphys and The Chimes...they would sing it as you...
I must snap out of my funk...I have a house to tend to....and I don't think I've had a weekend to clean SINCE LAST Aug 1st.....yuck...don't come...
I'll send you a cake when I wake up!
We were just talking 'bout that last night at dinner...hmmmm:huh: I would've thought if it was "in-house" it would've been done by now...things...