Hester'll be just fine...just like always!:thumb:
Thank you...I seem to have forgotten the even bigger picture!!:thumb:
Now John, see what you've gone and started!
Re: Update on Jay-B So glad to see this:grin:
Tell him howdie...send me a throw!!:grin:
Re: Update on Jay-B Extra thoughts/prayers ...problem w/ ET tube and may need trach...
ouch, that was harsh
Not to beat a dead horse, BUT THEY FAILED TO WIN THEIR CONFERENCE....man, I hope they remember this, cuz it may come back to bite em in the butt!
You know, I haven't heard Dorsey say much about it, but I think we all know what kind of person/man he is....I don't know that he'd approve of...
We tried that, but all you boys kept comin' in and buggin' us..:wave::rofl: Plus, EVERYONE knows..ladies forum = way nastier!!
Give it a few hours...someone will find the answer...Sometimes I have had problems with searches, this is mostly when doing medical research.
ouch..How Rude!
Oh god...someone gimme a barf icon..PU-LEASE!:lol:
So what ARE you trying to say about girls, huh??? no need to be sexist...now, if you want to be sexy thats a whole other thing...and ya' can...
Can't we all just get along?:cuss:
OK now hold on a sec....what he did was wrong, no doubt...but sheesh..your headin' back to the stone age...do we chop off the 7 year olds hand b/c...
Man this really sux...we really need to move back closer to home....wasn't someone selling their kids on another thread? Find any buyers??? :huh:...
Nobody likes a traitor
The referee that watched it, 2 steps from his face, SHOULD have thrown the flag:huh:
I don't know if this has been brought up, but where's Tubberville in all this? I know he said right after the block that AU doesn't teach it, but...