ABSOLUTLY...I think this gets lost a lot of times...these are kids...not grown men...Hey...watch Friday Night Lights, tonite as a matter a...
Michigan feels the same way too...I just hope we treat 'em w/ a bit more respect and take care of things early..As we have all learned...anything...
I think he's re-cooping from football (healing a bit), he's a bit behind from a training/competing standpoint...its a totally different...
Thank you...and a team of players w/ his skill, character, attitude, determination and drive....2 stars or not...would make a damn fine football...
he runs w/ his head down for about 30 m.... he's so good no one will ever mess w/ his form...why should they, he's done it, and set records, since...
[ ewwww, his hair is a bit like a poofy Pat Riley who forgot the Crisco...Saban looks like an old man...ewwww Les is wayyy higher on the...
Tressel bribes them..he's connected ya' know, Youngstown, OH is a little Italy...and I agree...I'm not feeling the love either, but we tend to...
He is an amazing specimen of a human being....if you ever have the chance to watch one of these guys run in person (on a track) you really should...
getcha mind out da gutta
Wouldn't be surprised, atall, to see some of my son's classmates have their name in print down here, in the near future...bunch a hood rats!! I'll...
and physiologically are just built to be better athletes....most of the time (NOT ALL THE TIME) they are simply bigger, stronger and faster...
yes he was...
I wonder if the bitterness was fueled by the "drama"....if he had said all along it was USC...well, people might not have held on to the hope for...
Re: Update on Jay-B Its a good day...excellent news...and here's to all of Julie's wishes coming true!:thumb:
All of the injuries and resulting subs. this year will only prove to help next year. So many players received valuable game experience b/c our...
What I want to know is WHY are you reading the police reports??? :huh:just curious!!:lol: story is funny
I think thats CZ if you mean cheap diamond ...girls gotta know know her fake stones, ya' know! They'll see his talents and reward him, and if...