OU will still win. Just like how arkansas likes to play LSU close OSU likes to lose to OU, even if OU is the inferior team. It's been a while...
I guess nobody plays soccer or anything like that up in Idaho
You're neglecting the Bedlam factor here. Even when OSU has a better team they still find a way to lose
And if I don't see how you can say putting Lee back in was a mistake without using hindsight. JJ was killing the receivers in the first half...
Honestly, he's not good enough to warrant him staying on the team if he continues to pull stunts like this :/
Do you guys really trust JJ with the football in his own 5 in a game this close? It was the right call
Are all of you guys saying that Richardson is running all over us watching the game? That was the first run of any decent gain in about 10 runs....
Lee is a way better passer than JJ. And don't you have to pull to get a facemask penalty? There was definitely no pull there
JJ really shouldn't be starting, he's still not a very good thrower :/
I'm loving these missed kicks, his confidence will be shot by the time it really matters
I would really like to see a long pass right now to show lee that the coaches still believe in him, though I don't think that's going to happen :/
If the police had any sort of sole they'd just give JJ back his kicks!
That was hilarious to watch
I find it hard to blame lee for that sack when it's such a jailbreak from the get go
That's one
Agree on touchback, but that was flagrant PI. THe guy knocked Sproles down about a second before the ball go there
I'm kind of mad about that PI now, Sproles would have had a very good shot at catching that ball if it wasn't for the PI
Holy crap
It'll be a hell of a comeback, but it's looking very possible