I hope not. Why would he want to get him a job as a football coach when when obviously is horrendous at coaching an offense? That's kind of like...
I almost stopped reading at your overall grade for offensive assistants being a C-/D+ rather than the obvious F that it is. But I gave it a...
I'll take that challenge! Hell, if LSU scores 50 just once I'm happy. That would very likely mean the Gary Crowton is doing a good job. But it...
If you're a Sunshine Pumper, skip this podcast. It's more of the same criticisms you here about Les and Co. here on the forum. Cliffs: -lots...
No, a meaningless add-on touchdown in the waning seconds of a game that's already won isn't style points, its being a jerk. Style points is when...
Gotta love the big balls on Mack Brown. I don't see it as disloyalty or throwing his staff or players under the bus (although I'm sure many here...
IMO anyone making an issue of this is the same as the bitter Tennessee fans who were whining and crying that T-Bob didn't get flagged for taking...
I'll be at the game. I hope they don't play like poo.
It appeared that he just whacked the back of his head really really hard on the ground. The IV was probably because scalp lacerations tend to...
I saw every second if it. Here's what you missed: parts of the scheduled LSU football contest were periodically preempted by The Cam Newton...
Knocked back toward the goal line from the 4. Kept moving forward from near the goal line after he regained balance. Knocked back into the end...
And this guy named Eric Dickerson. He was pretty good too.
It appears that Drew has channeled his inner Jarrett Lee today. 4 INTs in a game including 2 pick 6's to a DEFENSIVE FREAKING LINEMAN FOR THE...
I didn't see Fairley's play as anything other than tough football. I don't think he was dirty or did anything wrong that should have been...
I thought Brees's worst game as a Saint was that turd he squeezed out against Arizona but the first half today was worse than terrible. It's...
Because it was off of the field of play and not a taunt toward our team. They weren't required to snap the ball again or stay on the field for...
We're grasping at straws with our lack of consistent QB play. Someone much wiser than me said, "When you have two quarterbacks you have no...
A good day for Tigers kicking butt. Just not our Tigers.
Knee jerk reaction my foot. So how many seasons should fans patiently wait for the offense to actually play even average football? Is being...
Classy. Thanks for the love. Your Tigers just plain outplayed ours in every way and deserved the win. Cameron Newton for Heisman. Now go...