Great article! I wish every young up and comming stud coming out of high school would read this and take it to heart. It's great to have plans to...
The west Virgina game is a great example along with the oregon game last year.....those type of offenses are designed to get teams matched up one...
There is no way last years senerio is allowed to come to light this year again.....if LSU wins Bama drops to 5, say lsu would go on to win the...
What happens most of the time is that alot of these teams defense actually look worse than they really are because they typically stay on the feld...
True!! but as a GOOD head coach do you continue to recruit football players to fit your system, are you happy with winning 9 maybe 10 wins a...
wow seems like the game everyone wants to visit for huh? Hopefully stadium is rocking and LSU pulls it could make a huge impression...
win the turnover battle and you probably win the game.
Gimmik offense....once adjustments were made, game was over. A good defense that has athletes all over the field can make adjustments, teams that...
Reports I heard was that jefferson was being charged with intent to distribute....which means he had alot on him....stupid, on probation already....
Listen Closley for a bold prediction here folks.....on the way the game is played, not so much the score. I have LSU winning it 17-14, but here is...
he cant tell you......after reading that crazy article neither can I. Only thing I can tell you is that his comuptations come up with bama scoring...
"One goal of mine since establishing this blog was to quantify home field advantage.Early on, I found consistently that home field advantage...
So what you're trying to tell me is that if this game was played in T-town that bama would only be a 6 point favorite? I guess you have some ocean...
true true!!
Did anyone besides Miss St fans expect it to be close??
No way would I take the over in this game!!
actually that means they are actually a 12 point favorite with the 3 point home field advantage.
wrong!! aTm scored a td at the end of the game when lsu was in a prevent.....a trash touch down they would have not scored on lsu's normal defense...
If you throw the ball 59 times you should get 300 yards......he also had 0 passing td' 59 attempts, not to mention he only averaged .62...
Well you can have him, put johnny manziel in a pro style offense and see what you get, he's a gimmik qb who can really scramble, put him behind a...