Les uses blue first, then hilliard.... Then ware then ford...i do notice inside about the 20 hilliard gets the nod for power, ware is abeast, ford...
Mettenburger is the real del, the wrs needto catch the damn ball
Lets see rivers on thenext series
Les will allow onemore score and shut it down.. We definitely will jump usc. Does anyone ever get that we can score a passing touchdown anytime...
Yes... We can run the ball any day. All day... We need these early games to perfectvthe passing and pass defense. I guess ur ok with the dropped...
We just arent executing. We are doing some things good, but not great. Especially the blocking...when u block someone, they should stay blocked
R u kidding me. We have receivers andno QB, now we have a qb andno receivers that want to catch? Oh well we will just be one dimensional with the...
Exactly 3 drops byreceivers
Hold on to the mf ball!
Yay. We're playing
Pretty sad when our best offensive cheer is for our punter... Now fo the D to pin em
Best thing so far! Thanks wing
Someone please tell our team that the game has begun
Embarassing in so many ways
Cant think of a better conference to do it against. Bite me pac 10
Pretty sure they taught econ 101 supply vs deman at lsu. Games are sold out. They could raise prices another $10-20 and still be sold out
We control our destiny.... Where have we heard that before
Our run defense is the best thing i can comment on. Im glad ur so positive about mett, that red zone int was pretty sad. Lsu better get all the...