It's our first one in a month, so I'll take it.
Crowton got canned from the CFL, he must've taken an assistant position at UF.
This has somehow actually turned into a hell of a game.
Read my mind, just posted exact same thing on the stat thread. And IIRC this is with some of the starters that didn't play against us.
Meanwhile, UGA must have slipped some rufies into UF's gatorade, b/c they are getting raped at the Cocktail Party. And two weeks ago a freshman...
I can count the number of those Bama has played on one finger.
I honestly don't know what's better, the articles or the sincere butthurt from fans in the comments.
I haven't been counting. As much as Clemons has been getting knocked around like a pinball I figured Barksdale's man has beaten him a few times.
Not doing quite so hot tonight.
Neither does Les, he's only been doing this for 8 years now.
Another thing we can thank the Gump scheduler for. Florida has had both of their bye weeks before we've had our first.
On the bright side, this upcoming bye week couldn't possibly come at a better time.
8-4 it is.
Which is why they should just keep playing the songs. They could remove every last song in the rotation and have Tiger Band sit on their butts...
When you win 3 of the last 4 NC's during that time period, the recruiting just about takes care of itself
Fine and good, but the real tell will be if his kid beats up some chick in an Austin bar.
Things would be a lot better if I had worked for Google in the early 2000's with stock options, or if I won the Powerball drawing last weekend....
My only point is fans would be a lot happier if they just accept that Les is who he is. The fact is we're not getting rid of him. The fact is...
I'm quite excited for this season to get underway. On paper we're trending in a very positive direction. I'll be waiting anxiously to see if...
But if Les wins with Nick's players, wouldn't Saban be losing to his own players?