What is dishonest is that you are presenting these as Republican ideas that were incorporated into the Democrats package. That is not true....
I call a spade a spade hoss.
Political favors done for votes are bribes. If Exxon had prommised a million dollars to fund education in Louisiana for a vote it would be...
What do you call the Nebraska and Louisisana Purchases? They left most wing of the Democratic party inserted them to buy the votes of more...
Alls I know is Obama lied. I wasn't able to keep my plan. The result of Obamacare for me is I pay more money for the same coverage for 3/4 of...
Problem is that Obamacare did not alter the status quo. It doubled down on it, and pushed lots of additional risk into the equation. The end...
I destroyed the window of my rental car pouring room temperature water on it in sub zero temperatures. Hertz was none to pleased when they had to...
Best picture is almost a lock.
i disagree only because I saw Dallas Buyer's Club.
I think she is out of kids, but she has some eligibility left.
I get that funny feeling about Jackson. He has been a tough read, but I think we get him.
So it is down to Clakr, Do we keep him? Adoree, Do we get him? Carter, Is there a chance?
Man, what an awesome finish to this class. January second was terrible, but how sweet February 5th is.
What is important as we are being regarded as tournament worthy now. If we keep winning that snowballs. We are in much better shape being...
Yeah. Every season will be different, with some possible subtle likes. HBO is trying to decide if the second season will be shot in Louisiana....
He is as smooth and polished a freshman as we have seen in quite some time. In a lot of ways he reminds me of Tyrus Thomas and Stromile Swift....
At this point it is just the way business is done. No major economic development happens project happens without government money. As a nation...
All are pretty terrible. DOJ or DOL are probably in the running for most ineffective. DEA, ATF, and FBI all roll up under DOJ. I have never...
Holy over generalization. Weren't you the guy who three posts up was talking about the large variety that inherently exists in any large populatoon?
He will be because he has no trade value. You might as well keep him.