Cleopatra was a decendent of Ptolmy, seven or eight generations removed. At least the first six generations were of pure Greek (Macedonian)...
There are numerous contemporary historical accounts that all state Cleopatra was of greek decent. It is a fact. Modern, history pan-African...
The starting points are vastly different today. At the end of WWII the USSR and USA were much closer in terms of military and economic might....
I stand corrected.
That legend came from early reports that she probably choked. A partially eaten sandwhich was found around her.
Joan of Arc wasn't French. She was born in Domremy, part of Bar, which was a part of Lorraine—which did not become a part of France until 1766.
The letter from my doctor said the switch was due to Obamacare, and it even cited specific regulations set out by Health and Human Services. And...
Speaking just for me... I lost the plan I liked, and my doctor opted out of the insurance market all together. He charges an annual subscription...
Exactly. He is in this position because he took care of work in the classroom. Having 2 years to play 2 is much better than 2 years to play 1.
I don't think 11-7 gets them in. Last year 12-6 SEC Teams were left out. I think we are playing for the NIT at this point unless a deep SECT run...
If the bill defined the implementation schedule, and did not grant the authority to the Executive branch to alter it it is a major problem which...
Bad Girls Club, Swamp Pawn, Cajun Pawn Stars, Sons of Guns, Bayou Billionaires, The Legend of Shelby, Billy the Exterminator, Bait Car, Rat...
If only we played all our games at home. This team looks to be a 500 ball club in SEC play. I would have hoped for more. The bright side is the...
Reid took bad angles was the popular fan gripe of 2012. It exceeded gripes about punt ugly (which never esulted in a blocked punt and many teams...
I have been a part of seven group plans with 5 different employers and they have all covered contraception. And it isn't as if birth control is...
I have never in my life seen an insurance plan that did not include prescription coverage for contraceptives.
Those are those guys Neil Peart's band.
I already posted evidence to the contrary. No. You didn't. No I haven't. You posted language in ACA that were also in parallel Republican...
Has nothing on gallon smashing.
That is the lie. They were not incorporated. Similar provisions already existed. Note that none of the bills referenced passed. No. I...