Was the Husch Blackwell report written by gumps?
You're probably right, but I can't say that for certain since he hasn't responded to my post.
Thanks. I would bet that that language or similar language is all head coaches contracts.
Let me make sure I understand your post. Are you stating that I'm OK with Les' behavior?
At Kansas?
I would imagine most college football head coaches have a morals clause in their contract. Do you have any idea what the language might be or...
It matters to the LSU Administration, particularly the Athletic Dept. The 148 page report presented LSU in a very bad position. It's a shame...
Check the stats for the Dodgers last year & tell me how many sacrifice bunts they had. Bunting has always been and will always be a part of...
How many rounds is this going to go?
Put your poncho on. I suspect you're pissing into a hurricane force head wind.
I'll admit up front I don't follow LSU baseball that closely. I went to the LSU web site & checked out his resume. I suspect it doesn't compare...
I didn't watch or listen to the game. Every team has an off day, but damn. Giving up 22 runs. That's beyond depressing.
I can't imagine it being a new vinyl. That's why I would go with the CD.
You must have a hell of a sound system in your music room.
Good luck trying to find it on vinyl. I downloaded 15 of Frank's greatest hits. I enjoy listening to them with a shot of Crown & water on the rocks.
Thanks for the welcome.
Thank you. I lurked for a while before joining.
Strictly my opinion, but it appears to me that the unsubstantiated charges reported by the USA Today have some merit to them. It will be...
American Football Coach, Les Miles's Wife, Kathy Miles Is Mother Of Four Children | Married Celeb