But pretty much everything else is bad. Hey, maybe Orgeron should use him expertise and coach special teams, himself.
You can't? Isn't he coaching them? Isn't he the one that could not get along with Valentine and got him run off? Did he run off any of the...
And ten years later, they still suck and are irrelevant. We'd better get used to that, ourselves.
Most of 2015 was quite good. In fact, we were ranked ahead of Alabama before we played them. However, the wheels came off after losing to...
I grew up too poor to have a trapper keeper. Oh, well...
Yes, he was a douche. But...we currently have a douche on our sidelines, too.
In 2011, I would have agreed with you. But he's cut his mullet and has gotten rid of his combover.
I did, too. It made me spit my drink on my iPad.
Meaning...what, exactly? (I'm afraid of the answer, by the way.)
Also: Chip Kelly Dana Holgerson Larry Fedora Along with all of the aforementioned guys earlier in the thread. I would also have made David Shaw...
So, she hasn't learned the ropes, yet, is what you're saying?
Maybe...but we've gone over the edge...in a speeding sports car.
Whatever, dude. Hallman is a good comparison of a guy who never should've sniffed the head coaching job at LSU.
How hard do you really think two guys in their 60's (heck, Brown may be 70) are really looking for coaching jobs? Especially when they are being...
He, too, was part of the "hand he's been dealt" since he has been on staff since 2015. Orgeron is the head coach. Embarrassing losses to...
So...LSU fans knew why Miles was fired. That's true, but public perception in places outside of Louisiana was that we were fools. I live in...
Okay, number one, he is a proven failure at his one head coaching spot. Since that failure, he has bounced from one program to another, only...
We don't really know, do we? Orgeron seemed to be beating his chest about letting guys go.
Maybe...we don't really know, do we? Here's the thing, if Miles was still here this season and was having this result, it would be a no-brainer...
7 offensive linemen left in this offseason. That isn't on Miles.