I figured that might be your stance...and, well, I can't disagree. I can't imagine why that little mofo is so miserable that he wanted to ruin...
https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2018/05/02/plano-teen-arrested-isis-inspired-plot-commit-mass-shooting-local-mall An ISIS terrorist wannabe...
See...that's the thing. I'm not that discriminating of a beer drinker. I freely admit that I drink cheap domestic beers...and I like them in a...
2008 is mentioned as Miles' downward spiral? There was some damn strong football played between '08 and Miles' demise. Besides, his shitty '08...
That's modest of you and everything, but as usual, you are correct.
I think beer is bad when it stops being ice cold.
It's ridiculous, isn't it? And who's to say we'll be in every game?
Alas, both girls have moved on from pointe shoes. Mercifully.
I always heard the junior year of high school was a killer, but I thought that was for the kids. Apparently, the parents are just as busy. Between...
My Lilly dog died 2 years ago. I now have an 18-month-old cocker spaniel named Chloe.
Dear Lord, let this be true...but what's the word?
Alas, no picture ran with the article.
The #MeToo stuff is interesting. I was never raped. Did some guys get "handsy" when I didn't want them to? Yep. What did I do about it? On my...
Even as large as the schools are, the feeder systems are set up so that kids always go to school with their core elementary class. My daughter is...
You're thinking of the new Cowboys training facility in Frisco. The high schools in Frisco play there. The Allen stadium was funded through a...
It's not just Fournette and Guice. We've been pretty blessed since Kevin Faulk with always having some strong tailbacks.
There's definitely been improvement. There is no doubt of that.
So, the Gadek kid ran for 599 yards, but it was against Plano East, not Plano. Of course, there's no way you could know that, I am sure. Plano...
That may be, but we still don't have much of a short, quick passing game. Same story, different year.
I'm not giving Alleva all that much credit, either. However, since that meeting, it appears that Aranda and Canada are producing much better....