I loathe Urban, but as a woman, one who was once beaten by an ex husband over 20 years ago, don't be a victim. Regardless of who she told, the...
I had an education professor at LSU back in 1990 who had never taught a day in any school other than a university, which made her worthless as an...
Truer words were never spoken.
More of a straight-up asshole move, but she was a pussy for running away from her remark. And, of course, she should've been fired.
To clarify, when I use the word pussy, it is never in reference to female anatomy. It's more like, "Quit being such a pussy!"
I curse like a sailor, but I won't even utter the c-word. ETA: I use the word pussy frequently.
As I indicated, I'm on the downhill slide towards retirement. The sheer amount of extra requirements that are thrown at us continuously is crazy....
It's not even learning Spanish. That isn't part of the certification. The test is basically best practices in teaching for any population. In...
On the news here in DFW, many of these separated "children" look older than my senior in high school daughter. Fake outrage of the week is quite...
I had an education professor at LSU back in '91 who was as lilly white as any granola-crunching chick that ever walked the face of the earth. She...
I agree we have a huge problem, but there is no easy solution. Nor do we want to overreact and give away our rights to the government. We are...
I knew the Golden Girls had a weight requirement. Of course, most college dance teams do. I was not aware of a Colorguard weight requirement,...
This was an interesting link, though I know there was a fatal shooting at Glen Oaks High while I was at LSU that wasn't listed. I found out that...
We have a couple of veterans on my campus. Quite a few is probably an overstatement.
I mean, can you just imagine StaceyO from 8th grade English teaching Fahrenheit 451 or The Diary of Anne Frank one minute and running into the...
As a teacher, it isn't something I would do. Coaches are a different breed. I know. I lived with one, and he was actually very kind...but would...
I know that there were times my feelings were hurt when I was growing up, but I was able to go home and talk it out with my parents. I have two...
So...the coaches "bullied" this piece of shit kid for smelling, which he probably did because he wore that big ass coat down in freakin'...
I haven't been to Buca in 6 or 7 years, but you're right. It is awesome.
There are lots of "local" brands headquartered in Plano, like all Dr. Pepper products, JC Penney, Cinemark, Frito Lay, Fed Ex, Toyota, and who...