Yeah, talentless ass clowns may have gone a little too far...but I feel that is the way some perceive them on this board. They act as if Ryan will...
I am confident that either Russell or Flynn will step up. They aren't exactly talentless ass clowns. Both are extremely talented. I care more...
LSU is far more diverse than Bama or Auburn are. I don't like the way they treat people at Bama....less than pleasant race related incidents...
he was four stars on rivals. He was highly touted as the next great Alabama QB to go out of state, i.e. Tee Martin. He was a lot lot better than...
For what its worth, JaMarcus dominated his High School All-Star Game, the Alabama-Mississippi High School All-Star Classic. Not the same thing as...
If Applewhite was such a big Bama fan, why didn't he go to Bama? And where is he from originally?
Anyone got any inside info about kids we are recruiting. I go to the sites and I see all these five-star and four-star kids, but I have no clue...
I heard that he might be leaning toward Bama even though he is committed to us. Any updates?
They are not afraid of Americans. They love the country in fact. They don't like some aspects of American culture, mostly because it is so...
Being a former Muslim, I agree with many of your points, about the inherrent hatred being instilled at a young age. My parents are the most...
If we all could be half the man that Pat Tillman was, then the world would be a much better place.
I am for Russell. I watched him play for four years. He has one of the best arms in the nation. He could throw it in between two defenders and the...
Fallujah is in the Sunni triangle, so more than likely the people who killed the men and the people who desecreated the bodies were probably...
Although I will not vote for Bush, I think he will probably win. I have struggled very hard about this whole voting thing. Abortion is a very...
:D I meant to do that all along, i was testing you..... ;)
All your statements are very true, but the images you see on TV are not every Palestinians and Isreali. I would say that the radical's make up...
While I am against terrorism, it is not like Isreal has been innocent. When they got the land in the sixties, they pushed millions of refugees...
Hi i am new to the forum and the LSU athletics. I call myself a recovering Alabama fan, but had a couple bad experiences with those obnoxious...