Top athletes get a lot more than tangible support (i.e. tuition, books, etc.). They also benefit from a considerable amount of promotion and...
No one remembers "Superfan"? Surely someone here attended basketball games around '93 and '94 (I can't recall the exact year).
Anyone here remember "Superfan" from the early/mid 90's. He was either mildy retarded or had some disability (don't flame me here), and would...
I would have gone first round but I got high, I would have made the bucks but I got high, The girls would have been all mine but I got high, I got...
That is embarrassing. Anyone finding such lines funny ought to be embarrassed as well.
Tear that down? You know that is our stadium's history and reason for its original existence? So many alums once lived there during their first...
What's with getting rid of or tinting out the windows? Leave the classic aspects of our stadium alone. Once that stadium is screwed up by some...
An aspect I dislike about all the additions has been the shift away from the stadium as a functional building. One of the more characteristic...
I will assume you finished undergrad in 99 as your moniker suggests. Your comments regarding student support aren't entirely true. Students...
The most avid die hard students would be willing to pay some nominal fee guaranteeing them a seat. Only those students having two or three hours...
Why not charge a nominal fee for student tickets in the lower half, but bring back the old student section. You might actually get better...
The games are more fun when the students sit courtside. How do you throw newspapers from the rafters? The cheering and crowd noise is...
Going way back, USL, or UL, or ULL (you know the school) has discovered reality can prove very difficult. The school is not, will not, and more...
Brando should know enough about college athletics before making a comment like this. Had he cared to do his work as a reporter, the starting...
That really was a bad loss. LSU was poised for a great season, with only one prior loss, after knocking off Florida State the week before (The...
Know what USC really stands for...University for Satan's Creatures. And everyone knows Texas fans aren't really flashing horns, their making...
Rereading my post, I think it came off harsh on you, which was not my intention. I don't think too many here would be taking looted cars, but I...
Can someone please explain what game tickets have to do with being a legislator. And how many opportunities are available - LSU, Superdome, etc.?...
Yes they often have the right to buy seats, but get front in line spots. Do they pay the TAF add-ons and all associated fees? Do they make...
Reading the thread concerning LSU ticket policy, I had an idea about confronting the legislator ticket give-away. Granted the legislators love...