People from Louisiana are all around good people. That's why. Florida, not so much (I'm allowed to say this because I was born in Pensacola :) )
USC will lose to Cal and Oregon, and probably 1, maybe 2 others.
The more the merrier, IMO. (But then again, I go to PSU, and tailgating is insane here even for games like FIU or when our team just blows) or Honestly, I'd take the LSU one...
Re: AP Poll (Oct 7) Eh, even if you do that, despite the fact that everyone uses rankings at time of play, Purdue is still ranked in the Coaches...
Re: AP Poll (Oct 7) Cincinnati is quite impressive. Kansas, though a surprise, will probably end #2 in the Big XII North next to Missouri...who...
Re: AP Poll (Oct 7) No...and they were undefeated. Not that I think OSU should be ranked ahead, far from so. No doubt OSU will lose at...
If it makes you feel any better, you probably would have lost under this "predecessor." Now we can stop talking about him. lol
Well, it has happened before. Granted, the last one was 1973, John Cappelletti from, of all places, Penn State. The more amazing thing though is...
Of course now I see there was already a thread about this. Yay hangovers. Still, the thought stands!
Oh please...LSU deserves it, but you know Cal is going to get like 5, and USC will probably still get one.
Jacob Heister. He may not put up 5 Billion yards like Colt Brennan or whoever else, but he's an awesome player, student, and he has more passion...
HOLY CRAP That was an amazing game!!! Thank you for winning!!! :)
Yup what he said ^ it's kinda sad what happened to Iowa....oh well. Better luck next time. It was a good game though of course for like half...
I agree 100% with this. Oh, btw Hawker, good luck later today....I'll be in the stands later rooting for my Lions! ;)
OK WELL WHERE DA F DID THE TORN UP PAPER GO? I DIDN'T SEE IT FALL. He was holding it with his fingers :p Come on guys, Lou Holtz isn't...
oh come on, there was another outside to the paper that was folded within the paper that was torn, and when he did his magicness, the one folded...
lol And apparently you guys are playing the Miami Gators now...
well we know who is going to win the UF/LSU game now thaks to Lou.