good job. seems like theyve turned a corner and are pretty consistent. next hurdle is to beat decent teams on the road. i cant believe im...
read again. "arguably" probably means theres no way you can argue lsu isnt a bball school.
the point about baseball is a good one, its similar to the well-known one about football but more believable. i can see how baseball or even...
that's like only remembering lindburgh as the first guy to fly across the atlantic solo.
common knowledge. it was supposed to force congressional action (compromise), but it was a miscalculation--not severe enough.
discretionary spending is less than half that $3T. and many departments have already been through cuts making effects more likely.
the way the sequester law is written insures pain. it does not allow for decision-making, everything except VA and SS gets cut equally, and...
it'll be interesting to see what happens. i hear that during the gov shutdown of 94 some worked for no pay, but congress later gave backpay. my...
and some that are furloughed still have to work (but not get paid).
i dont care about him smoking pot. i care about him getting kicked off the team because he cant follow rules. he is just like perrilloux. dont...
just as much a factor is the divided GOP that makes nominating a rational person impossible.
this country has a real hard time finding good presidents, so i say repeal it. when/if we get a good one we can vote them in again. i would add a...
not official yet, but now will work same 10 days per pay period but get paid for 9.
no virus has ever infected that large a percent of the population. tops is probably around 80% and that would take years. i know, i know, "but...
at least psychotic breaks and hallucinations are real.
no shit, huh?