its an issue of morality and should not be in the legal realm. all abortions after conception (and that includes most contraceptive drugs), with...
Hill plays (played) football at a public university not an employee of a private company. I would hope there is a higher standard. I would hope...
especially considering hills reaction, i doubt he was defending himself, but if they find out the other guy was going to his car to get a weapon,...
I hope he's out for at least a season. On probation and pouches someone from behind, and obstructs investigation. Lsu should be better than to...
Looks like that assault he got out of was true like it seemed at the time.
Unless I missed it, wing hasn't gone yet. Wonder what he thinks about another punter going.
if you dont like this then i bet youll love the fact that the states that hire companies to put people on disability. thats evidently the main...
gotta take it back (for now). no furlough coming. next fy will be tighter though.
bert would be too old. right in the age range for a bunch of greats (marino, elway, kelly, young) but thats too obvious. bobby hebert?
gonna need two more scorers. carmouche was the best offensive player and he's gone. and then the two starting guards cant score. thats...
No surprise. Someone had to go with the Bridgewater signing.
What support for Chechen rebels? Didn't you hear that these two have never beento chechnya?
Ha ha, Wtf does that dipshit know about the agency? We Probably dont target civis, but we are also quite cavalier.
Could it be QBs? He hasn't had to run out a Marcus randall at bama?
Dismissed out of hand by boehner because of any tax increases, even though it includes entitlement reductions. Predictable even though it Pissed...
Start something, then run away. Hey, that's a lot like ol KJ Un!
That's genocide and a war crime. I hope you are exaggerating. Somehow, you are associating a desire to not kill millions of civilians with...
Don't do conservatives a favor by blaming bush for the debt. That lets the GOP off the hook, because we all know that w made no decisions on his...
Pretty sure that wait is not for treatments, but claims. Still sucks for them but a far cry from delayed treatments....
i just wanted to emphasize this. making a parking lot of NK will kill millions of innocents, i think we'd want to avoid that. they posture. its...