A free league on ESPN for anyone who missed the other league or is interested in having another team. League Name is SEC Blitz II No...
The American Drug War is absolutely futile. This interesting article is about the writers of The Wire and what they learned about the drug war...
What worries me most about this season is that the Eagles and Giants improved their teams in the off season. The new safety Sensabaugh sounds...
re: 2010 RB Storm Johnson "pretty much" COMMITED TO LSU First, off I know little about Seastrunk. But I have to defend Murphy a bit here. He...
Yes. Ari Emanuel is Wahlberg's agent and the basis for Ari Gold.
1. Arrested Development -- IMO, probably the most intelligent, unique comedy on TV ever. 2. Seinfeld -- Intelligent comedy with a tremendous...
Really sad to read about one of the best Tiger RB's I ever saw. Hope he can turn around the rest of his life.
Just reading the title of the thread I was not for it. To me, beating UNC would not be that impressive so the 'reward' part of the matchup looked...
I can't begin to believe that I would defend Mack the slimeball. But I remember reading recently that he was going over on the coaches tour of...
Thankfully, no ut fans on my street. A Razorback next door wished me luck yesterday when I put out my flag. And yes, it is still flying too.
I know winning another NC is the important thing. But for those of us living among Longhorns and the media frenzy surrounding all things UT,...
He definitely had the stuff. But I loved the agressive attitude Chad had. The texas players were wetting themselves.
Same story for me LaSalle. They can't hide in their little 12 tonight.:LSU231:
I picked Florida for a lot of the reasons already posted. And Bama at home scares me too. But I am really concerned that both Florida and Bama...
For what it is worth... Ole Miss Road SEC Games 2009 South Carolina Vanderbilt Auburn Miss State Home SEC Games :lsup: Bama Ark...
Yes, the 30+ point lead a little into the second half is a bit concerning. Maybe UNC is making a lot of lucky shots.:geaux:
Let's play some D!
Did Thorton get fouled or did he 'slip' into the other player? I can't tell on this crappy feed.
I wonder if there are any fouls being called during this timeout.
One more time.... Not sure how long it is going to take for the BB thread to die but I am looking ahead to Seastrunk. We won't even remember...