Anyone not watching is missing some good games.
Big loss?
No interest? Pulling for the Commodores this evening
I honestly never have
Oink oink!!
Let’s go Tigas!
@shane0911 that “bunt pressure” caused that lol
wow a brain fart
tied up
Boom! A two run shot to give us the lead.
We got em right where we want em
I swear I turn on the tv and Bianca steals 2nd then advances on a past ball then...
Flyboy at it again ?!?! :eek:
Our last QB from UGA sure panned out.
Shane gonna luv dis
The idiots finally won one but they may have blown it.
@shane0911 I stayed out the baseball threads ALL season. See what happened eh mf’er.
Trump been gone and he’s still all the news on CNN. “Their” guy has nothing of interest to report on.
Yep. My dad used to call them “Hired guns.”
how in the heck can one id a “filipino” woman vs Chinese, etc?