True but we have seen positive changes since the surge with even Senators who opposed the surge now saying that is it working militarily....
No you team can't be the exact same as someone elses, so you would have to change one of your guys.
Your right that none of those cited said that troop reductions would not happen and do you know why that is? because "the security situation is...
Also Drew Brees only threw 6 passes, granted he sucked with those six going 1-6, deuce didn't play at all, and Reggie only ran twice. I wouldn't...
That's exactly what I did last semester, I should've graduated in the spring but decided to move it back until December.
5th year senior.
I'll get to the other things later, because i'm about to go out, but to quote/respond like that all you have to do is put
I also enjoy this discussion and hope we can continue it without any enmity arising from our very different doctrinal beliefs. Now I will agree...
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I've been busy with class. Sure, "naga" can mean to lie with a woman sexually, it can also mean "to...
No problem. :lol: I knew that's where you were gonna go with it but they can believe it is from God all they want, that doesn't make it true....
Well I can't really answer a question about a biblical doctrine without referencing the Bible and I really can't give an unbiased opinion because...
Because, like kedo said, speaking in tongues is when a person speaks in a foreign language that they are not familiar with, such as mandarin,...
That is 100% correct and exactly what most evangelicals believe. You are lumping a small group of Evangelicals with everyone in the evangelical...
Not all churches teach speaking in tongues and in fact all of my life in my evangelical Southern Baptist church I have never once heard someone...
The Rapture vs Jesus' Second Coming. Rapture: 1. Believers are caught up with Jesus in the air: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 2. Believers are...
Well I guess I am one of those otherwise intelligent human beings who loses the ability to read. So just out of my own curiosity what exactly was...
Re: raqi prime minister says U.S. troops can go 'anytime they want' Iran circa early next year?
I was actually going to post the exact same thing. Excellent post
I guess i'll come back this year. I could've won last year if I had picked the exact same team, except for a $1 player, as clair in the Sugar bowl...
I was brought up the same way by my parents. I have attended a fundamentlist/evangelical Southern Baptist church for 18ish years from when I was 3...