I personally thoroughly enjoyed the "You suck, Cocks!" chant and was rather dissapointed when the band stopped playing that song, even though I...
Ryan Perrilloux ... 118 Keiland Williams ... 96 Brandon LaFell ... 32 Ali Highsmith ... 20 Tyson Jackson ... 19 Total ... 285
Except the stadium wasn't even close to being full. Especially after halftime when a good quarter of the people left because of Lou Holtz's...
Yea I was at the pub with him last night, i'm Justin. When you said you worked at J's I was trying to figure out who you were and kinda figured...
That's what my friend mike was telling me the other day.
You an me both. Just because Eckstein is like 3'1" he is considered to exhibit the most heart, horse malarky I say. Jeter is a thousand times...
Same here, unfortunately. Damn morning games.
Here's my thinking: the Saints had to lose these first two games to get away from last years success. No longer can they just rest on their...
Mississippi St. total Yards vs LSU - 146 @ Tulane - 489 @ Auburn - 213 Average not counting LSU - 351 Rank - 80 Virginia Tech Total vs....
Why does being a college football broadcaster have to know about NASCAR? How are they mutually exclusive. I swear people look for the tiniest...
Ryan Perrilloux ... 549 Brandon LaFell ... 205 Terrance Toliver ... 105 Richard Murphy ... 105 Ali Highsmith ... 29 Chevis Jackson.... 6 Total...
Because it doesn't matter in the BCS rankings anymore, that's why it is insignificant.
They have been testing this method out, chilling the body, on people who suffer strokes and head trauma. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19318124/
Matt Flynn ..... 316 Early Doucet ..... 243 Charles Scott ..... 52 Ali Highsmith ..... 6 Tyson Jackson ..... 4 Marlon Favorite ..... 4...
I have Bama losing 5 games this year, with Vandy being one of them so that is my upset of the week.
does it annoy anyone else that Lavelle Hawkins, from Cal, jersey is too small and it shows his belly button? I keep half expecting him to pull...
did i come in 10th or did mesquite? The top 10 things says it was me but the overall board says it was mesquite.
and 4 INTS/fumble recoveries.
Matt Flynn ......362 Early Doucet ......236 Charles Scott.........109 Ali Highsmith........13 Tyson Jackson.......3 Darry Beckwith......2...
I think I heard something like this last year, let me fix it for you.