Jacob Hester .........287 Trindon Holliday ...........98 Craig Steltz ..............32 Marlon Favorite .............8 Total ........... 425
going to campus there was a sign hanging from somebody's balcony that said "Tim Tebow taps his foot in Middleton bathroom." My roommate and I...
I got a tie between Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson with 51.
I was the same way. I don't want Perriloux to start the rest of the season but I thought that he should've been allowed to come in for a series or...
I'm glad I drafted him in my league. He has done pretty well for me the last couple weeks as a 3rd WR. Especially considering I got him in the 13th.
Ryan Perrilloux .... 27 Trindon Holliday ..... 102 Craig Steltz .... 64 Chad Jones .... 29 Ali Highsmith .... 4 226
Next week you will see RP do a couple fake QB draws and hit a wide open Tolliver for a TD. Book it.
This one was my favorite I am simply shocked and appalled that there were drunk people in New Orleans.
Ok, well i'm sorry I just misinterpreted what you said.
there you go. you said it is for TAF members and the fact that you buy tickets, not 3000 students.
Are you kidding me? College football isn't intended for college students?
Of course it was an overblown reaction. The whole righteous indignation is a tad overblown for my tastes.
I don't know anybody that condoned the FU Spurrier chant, the only real vulgar one. I, and apparently most students, see nothing wrong with the...
of course it would, I was just saying that I think it has been blown way out of proportion.
How many times has the student section ever chanted FU *insert name here*? As far as I remember it has only been ONCE, last week, and that's it....
most of the game? honestly? What else was being chanted that required the ear muffs?
i'll be there
Well a lot of Flynn's passes were thrown very nicely and should have been caught but were simply dropped. If it wasn't for the monsoon, I think at...
I know all the students around me loved the rain and started cheering even harder. Even though both the east and west sides of the stadium were...