I was there and it sucked. But the officiating was atrocious with at least 2 horrible calls going against the Saints in the 4th. And the clock guy...
Matt Flynn ..... 455 Brandon LaFell ..... 235 Colt David ..... 60 Demetrius Byrd ..... 42 Total .... 792
Of course I did but come on, other than that the two are good announcers. I think Verne is hillarious. Especially considering during the Tennessee...
I personally like them both.
Just who has Ohio State beaten this year other than an overrated Penn State and a Wisconsin team without it's top 2 running backs?
Re: LSU #2 in the AP! BCS 1. OSU 2. LSU 3. Oregon 4. Kansas 5. Oklahoma
Matt Flynn ..... 536 Demetrius Byrd ..... 363 Chad Jones ..... 86 Tyson Jackson ..... 66 Colt David ..... 40 Terrance Toliver ..... 22 Total .......
Here are a few of the things that I don't support that social conservatives usually does: 1) Constitutional amendment banning abortion 2)...
Why? Personally, i'm more socially centrist but very very economically conservative which is why I bite the bullet and vote republican because...
Guiliani is awesome and my man of choice. Socially liberal and economically conservative. Really the only things I don't like about him is his 2nd...
A pox on the red sox!
I find it amazing that there is so much anti-computer talk when before today that's what almost everyone on this forum wished played a bigger part.
If Duncan Hunter wasn't a "Fair" Trade advocate I would be a much bigger supporter of him. I just can't bring myself to vote for someone who isn't...
The Patriots also play in the worst divison of football. Honestly, Miami (no offense NLMD but they suck), Buffalo, and the Jets? 3 of the worst...
Ryan Perrilloux .... -28 Brandon LaFell ..... 38 Terrance Toliver ..... 72 Craig Steltz ... 20 Chad Jones .... 39 Tyson Jackson ... 8 Total ......
It was definitely reversed because I was at the game with my dad and we were wondering what was being challenged, since you can't challenge an...
I have a class with Shawn Jordan and he said that Steltz's chinstrap was broken in half after that hit.
Matt Flynn ..... 261 Trindon Holliday ..... 109 Colt David .... 60 Chad Jones .... 54 Darry Beckwith ... 24 Jared Mitchell ... 18 Tyson Jackson...
I just got banned from there, for pointing out things like UF's facemask on Hester that broke his helmet.
Going up on Thursday morning to see my parents who live an hour from Lexington. Then we'll be at the game screaming and yelling my lungs out.