sigh edit: WOO!!
another great stop by the D. side note: this still doesn't absolve peveto/mallory.
i'm so glad they keep passing.
and the team is pumped up.... too bad they weren't like this earlier.
lee really does have multiple football personalities. It's like he relishes being down and then he turns it on and starts playing well. It's crazy.
pain pills? i joke because i love hawthorne.
where was this LSU earlier in the game?
jarret lee is crazy
hear hear.
game over
well what is going on/happened in the basketball game?
alright here we go. TD pass from Jefferson to Byrd. book it.
we can do this. I still have faith that jefferson can turn it around.
at least the defense is stopping them now.
and never mind
i don't care how bad lee is playing. when they put 9 men in the box you have to pass. come on/
well it seems that we need to maybe, oh i don't know, stop them on 3rd and long. That would be nice
scott is looking great so far. granted it's against tulane but still.