It is ashame there is still a lot of voters who vote based on how well the candidate looks and talks, and not on substance and issues. Only a...
Another cardiac! Is this karma? Great win!
Maybe they want to see an interesting matchup between UCLA and LSU, the latter being the defending champs and they are HOT!!!
I still think it would be nice if Brees would give him some pointers:D
Correct me if I am wrong: he seemed to be doing well until after the game when he was the starter, then it was all downhill since.....If that...
I think this team got the tournament fever; everyone is fired up! Just an amazing turnaround after one of the worst slumps..........
The mind is a very powerful thing. Once everyone starts believing in themselves as well as the team, pitchers included, they can really play the...
Seems like a different team with a different mind-set in this early post season. They seem to be enjoying it too. Maybe they felt that they had...
No respect?
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill Glad you had a good time....For a moment, I thought all the reds in the box had oil covering their heads!...
I don't mind a late game as long as Pomeranz is an early sleeper:D
Actually, this looks pretty good to me:thumb:
Makes a lot of cents! There will be less pressure on the shoulders of the QB's, and hopefully they can play within themselves and concentrate...
Watching his video, somehow he reminded me a bit of Pierre Thomas.
Is it possible that, if JJ stays the same without any dramatic improvement, JL could end up as the starter this coming season? JL, despite his...
How about Miles meeting with Payton? :D :hihi:...just kidding! On a serious note, I think the players should hang out with the Saints and...
An LSU Tiger fan in Mobile, Alabama produced this fantastic video about the Saints (with a lot of heart), and posted the youtube link in...
Gives me chills! I've never seen a cloud like Superdome in the skies..........
Quite a moving clip. We are certainly blessed. ( I'm sorry, I cried.)